Private cam sex chats are expensive but there’s nothing like a real private webcam sex session with a hot camgirl who only has eyes and ears for you. Surely there are tons of free webcam sex sites where you can watch hot camgirls finger and fuck for free. And where you can choose to leave a tip but you aren’t obligated to. But these free shows often have thousand of viewers and any interaction with the camgirl is nearly impossible because your chat messages will get lost in a sea of messages from other viewers who are craving the webcam girl’s attention

How to find the cheapest camgirls

So how do you go about finding that erotic interaction with a camgirl without paying the full price? Well, luckily there are options. There are webcam sex sites that cater to people searching for private camgirl shows but at a lower price than usual. One of such sites where you can find the cheapest camgirls is and besides having one on one camgirls for less than a dollar per minute, they even have a cheaper option called Gold Shows

Cheap Gold Shows

So what are Gold Shows? Gold shows like free shows are shows with multiple viewers. But these shows are NOT free. you can buy a ticket and when all tickets are sold the show will start. And there are only a limited amount of tickets available. this means you will be in the chat with only 10, 20, or 30 viewers.

So not a true private show, but a LOT more intimate than the free shows with thousands of viewers. And since you don’t need to pay the whole show by yourself, like is the case with a private show, it is a lot cheaper than a private chat. a ticket will usually only cost you between 3 to 6 dollar! for the full show.

So if you are looking for intimate 1 on 1 sex chat but find private cam sex to expensive, then Gold Shows at are a great alternative